Product/System Name | Menlo - Digital Nasional Berhad






Seng Weil Yang


[Public and Internal Use]

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  • 1.1 Guide to Troubleshoot













1. Introduction 

If you are having an issue with a website rendering, for example missing content, or a blank page, you can switch the default rendering of the site ACR mode by using the following key sequences: 

  1. ACR1 - <control><alt><shift><1>
  2. ACR2 - <control><alt><shift><2>

After switching the page should reload.  If the page does not reload, the operation was not successful. 

Menlo maintains a listing service for sites that use ACR2 (aka pixel ACR) vs ACR1 (aka DOM ACR). 

Note: On a Mac, replace the control key with the command key, and use the option key instead of the alt key if your keyboard does not have an alt key.

2. Before You Begin 

 2.1. Preparation Checklist 

  • Get and understand the situation from user
  • Identify the issue and proceed to simulate in lab to get the same result
  • Once identify the issue is caused by DOM mode but works in PIXEL mode
  • May proceed to the next step


 2.2. Safety and Precautions 

There is no safety precautions since the testing is done in your own lab and the change done above is only to test the website works in which mode

3. Troubleshooting Process Overview 

Kindly refer to the above to test for the website works in which mode

4. Common Issues and Solutions 

4.1. Issue Identification Table 

Issue Description 

Possible Causes 

Initial Checks 

Suggested Solutions 

Missing Page or Button Won't Work as expected in Isolation

· Website might not work in some mode for Isolation 

· Tested between two mode ACR1 (DOM) and ACR 2 (PIXEL) 

· Once confirmed which Mode Works, you may proceed to open ticket to Menlo as this will be done backend

5. Step-by-Step Troubleshooting Guides 

If switching modes resolves the rendering issue, then raise a Support ticket, ensure you include the following details: 

  1. The website URL and steps to reproduce if not obvious.
  2. The Browser and version you are using.
  3. Results from testing in other Supported Browsers.
  4. The details of the rendering issue
  5. If the site requires credentials then Screenshots showing the issue.

By default, websites render using DOM ACR. To verify which mode the website is rendering you can view the logs.

You can also use Developer tools.

  • In the Elements Menu, search for __safely_dom_loaded

For Pixel ACR you will see:

<input type="hidden" value="{"mode":"r2"}" id="__safely_dom_loaded">

For DOM ACR you will see:  

time_surrogate_rewrite_inline_css":0,"mode":"r1"}" id="__safely_dom_loaded"

6. Advanced Diagnostic Tools and Techniques 

You only require Browser Developer Tool Mode by pressing F12

7. Reporting Unresolved Issues 

There is none

8. Appendix and Additional Resources 

8.1. Glossary 

DOM (Document Object Model)

ACR (Adaptive Clientless Rendering)

8.2. Tools and Resources List 

Browser Developer Tool Mode

8.3. Contact Information 

Seng Weil Yang MY DO Team